Movies Detail of Luna's Revenge (2018)
✓ Title : Luna's Revenge
✓ Original Title : Luna
✓ Release Date : February 15th, 2018
✓ Genres : Thriller, Action
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Khaled Kaissar
✓ Writers : Alexander Costea, Ulrike Schölles, Ali Zojaji
✓ Companies : Kaissar Film, Rat Pack Filmproduktion, BerghausWöbke Filmproduktion
✓ Country : Germany
✓ Cast : Genija Rykova, Rainer Bock, Lisa Vicari, Branko Tomovic, Annika Blendl, Bibiana Beglau, Luise Deschauer, Eugen Knecht, Carlo Ljubek, Benjamin Sadler
✓ Original Title : Luna
✓ Release Date : February 15th, 2018
✓ Genres : Thriller, Action
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Khaled Kaissar
✓ Writers : Alexander Costea, Ulrike Schölles, Ali Zojaji
✓ Companies : Kaissar Film, Rat Pack Filmproduktion, BerghausWöbke Filmproduktion
✓ Country : Germany
✓ Cast : Genija Rykova, Rainer Bock, Lisa Vicari, Branko Tomovic, Annika Blendl, Bibiana Beglau, Luise Deschauer, Eugen Knecht, Carlo Ljubek, Benjamin Sadler
Synopsis of Luna's Revenge (2018)
When Luna’s family is killed in cold blood on a mountain vacation, she barely escapes, and has to discover she’s been living a lie: her dad was a Russian secret agent, and her family was just a front. Luna has the opportunity to flee the country. But first she wants revenge.
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Well, Luna's Revenge (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Luna's Revenge (2018) itselft directed by Khaled Kaissar and Starring by Genija Rykova, Rainer Bock, Lisa Vicari, Branko Tomovic, Annika Blendl, Bibiana Beglau, Luise Deschauer, Eugen Knecht, Carlo Ljubek, Benjamin Sadler which made Luna's Revenge (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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◈ Luna's Revenge Movie Youtube - A Thriller is a story that is usually a mix of fear and excitement. It has traits from the suspense genre and often from the action, adventure or mystery genres, but the level of terror makes it borderline horror fiction at times as well. It generally has a dark or serious theme, which also makes it similar to drama.
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◈ Luna's Revenge Ganzer Film - This is a complex, plot-driven variety of the detective story in which the audience is given the opportunity to engage in the same process of deduction as the protagonist throughout the investigation of a crime. The reader or viewer is provided with the clues from which the identity of the perpetrator may be deduced before the story provides the revelation itself at its climax. The investigation is usually conducted by an eccentric amateur or semi-professional detective.
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◈ - A thriller in which a criminal or group of criminals conceives and executes a major robbery. The theft usually involves gaining access to valuables stored in a high-security location, and the thieves may or may not use subterfuge to trick their way into and/or out of the stronghold.
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