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Watch-[HD] Le Chignon d'Olga #Full Online Streaming 123.Movies

Movies Detail of Le Chignon d'Olga (2002)

✓ Title : Le Chignon d'Olga
✓ Release Date : August 22nd, 2002
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Jérôme Bonnell
✓ Countries : France, Belgium
✓ Cast : Nathalie Boutefeu, Serge Riaboukine, Hubert Benhamdine, Florence Loiret Caille, Marc Citti

Synopsis of Le Chignon d'Olga (2002)

Julien and Emma are brother and sister, living in rural France with their father, who writes children's books. Julien is a gifted pianist but the loss of his mother has sucked the joie de vivre out of him; his best friend Alice knows it although their platonic relationship is more about him supporting her in bad relationship choices than anything else. When he sees a beautiful woman called Olga in a bookstore, Julien is smitten and sets about to set up someway of impressing her and winning her affection.

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Well, Le Chignon d'Olga (2002) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Le Chignon d'Olga (2002) itselft directed by Jérôme Bonnell and Starring by Nathalie Boutefeu, Serge Riaboukine, Hubert Benhamdine, Florence Loiret Caille, Marc Citti which made Le Chignon d'Olga (2002) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Le Chignon d'Olga (2002)

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